Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Roids Anyone ???

I'm nauseated from all this talk about athletes and anabolic steroids.

Actually, no I'm not. But I'm getting close.

Until that time comes, here's a youtube peak into what that magical potion -- in either liquid or capsule form -- can really do for you.

This short-armed dude named Ryan Kennelly is about to bench 1050. Yeah, it's five 100 lb. plates you see on each side of the bar.

Now that his miraculous drug-aided feat is over, might somebody please tell me what's up with the mouthpiece he rips up from his jaw at the end?
I didn't know power-lifting became a contact sport.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Marandino has this on a repeat loop in Iron long til the guys are required to start wearing singlets to lift instead of greys